We assess patient specific factors to determine the likely number of treatments for your course.
- Your skin — Skin type and skin sensitivity are factors that influence the result.
- Hydration of your skin — Electrical current is conducted more readily in moist tissue than in dry. Moisture is vital for effective electrolysis treatment. In order to generate heat, the moisture molecules must vibrate and cause friction. Therefore, if the amount of moisture is limited, the heat will also be limited.
- Thickness of your hair — Thicker hair is more difficult to remove.
- Quantity of hair — It takes longer to remove hairs that are close together than hairs that are further apart.
- Medical history – It’s important to check your suitability for treatment depending on your medical history
- Medications – Some medications may cause stimulated hair growth or be contraindications to treatment
- Area where the hair is located — Different areas have different growth cycles. Bikini hair takes longer to clear than facial hair because the growth cycle is longer.
- Hormonal balance — A variety of biologic changes (puberty, illness, emotional upset) can lead to hormonal change that can alter vellus hairs to terminal hairs and activate previously sleeping hair follicles. Estradiol can act as a brake on hair follicle cycling by delaying initiation of growing stage and by prolonging the duration of the resting stage. There are some individuals who are extremely sensitive to changes in hormonal levels.